2022-9-10 COUNTDOWN
location: Frist page Training Full Guidance of My Breathing Rhythm in Practicing Liu Zi Jue(Ⅱ)
Full Guidance of My Breathing Rhythm in Practicing Liu Zi Jue(Ⅱ)

Hu Exercise: Following the movement of inhaling to bend knees and pull palms, exhale to reverse palms inward; inhale to stand up and withdraw hands, exhale to bend knees and stretch hands (Hu sound). Repeat movement of standing up and withdrawing hands with the same breathing rhythm.

Si Exercise: Inhale to drop hands and reverse palms, exhale with a pause; inhale to stand up and uphold palms, exhale to lower elbows to cling to body. Inhale to extend shoulders and contract neck, exhale to bend knees and push palms (si sound); inhale to reverse palms and withdraw hands, exhale to lower elbows to cling to body. Repeat movement of extending shoulders and contracting neck with the same breathing rhythm.

Chui Exercise: Following the movement of exhale to bend knees and push palms (sounds like snake), inhale to relax wrists with hands apart, exhale to swing hands back( from frontier lateral 45 deg. to rear frontier 45 deg.); inhale to support back waist with hands, exhale to downturn hands and swing forward (Chui sound); inhale to stand up and withdraw hands, exhale to stroke belt vessel to waist side; inhale to stroke belt vessel to both sides of life-gate, exhale to downturn hands and swing forward (pronunciation like true). Repeat movement of standing up and withdrawing hands with the same breathing rhythm.

Xi Exercise: Following the movement of exhaling to downturn hands and swing forward (pronunciation like true), inhale to drop hands, exhale to reverse hands and thrust downward; inhale to stand up and raise hands to Zhongwan, exhale to pause after raising hands to Danzhong; inhale to spread arms, exhale to envelope arms to the shoulders; inhale to pause with hands rest at Danzhong, exhale to drop hands separately (pronunciation like she); Inhale to envelop hands, exhale to pause. Repeat movement of standing up and raising hand to Zhongguan with the same breathing rhythm.

Closing Form: Following the movement of exhaling to drop hands (pronunciation like she), inhale to lift hands and reverse palms, exhale to swing forward semi-circle for 45 degree; inhale to cross fingers, and exhale to put hands on navel. Regulate breathing twice with hands on navel. Massage the navel clockwise to inhale at upper right and exhale at lower left; follow the opposite direction while massaging the navel anticlockwise. Inhale to halt, exhale to drop hands; inhale to lift left leg, and exhale to stand with feet together.

Before practicing Liu Zi Jue and regulating breathing rhythm, one should be familiar with basic movements, and the background music without instruction, rather than that with instruction, should be adopted for better understanding. As the lung capacity and movement speed vary among practitioners, the accordance with background music also varies, so is the correspondence between movements and breathe. Above guidance of my breathing rhythm is just an individual case for your reference. Each practitioner should regulate timely based on his own condition and discovers the most appropriate rhythm to achieve best fitness effect.

(By Gong Lihui)

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