Flexion, Extension and Guiding - Hugging Kunlun
The upper body turn left 45 degrees, open the shoulders and elbow, and there is a feeling of being empty around the right Backshu point. The upper body lean right, compress the right costal ribs, and the left costal ribs are stretched, look at the points of the of elbow, and there is a feeling of being empty around the left Ganshu point and Danshu point, which is conducive to dredge the liver meridian and gallbladder meridian and nourishing the liver and gallbladder. After the upper body turn to the right side, raise the head upward and stretched the neck, which is conducive to dredge the Ren channel. Close the elbows together and go forward, put the hands behind head and press the Dazhui point. The upper body turns around, leans and stands upright. The flexion and extension changes of movements, such as up and down of the arms and head, which have the effects of achieving the balance of Qi and making the body flexible.
Kneading Massage - Rocking-Turn the Winch
Single roll: the waist drives the upper body to turn right, and the force is transmitted to the left shoulder, the left shoulder homeopathic collapses and moves forward, then the force reach to the wrist, raise the left wrist slowly, and then exhaling and loosing the belly and the anus slowly a pushing tendency, which generates a kind of loosen and sinking force. Pulling the shoulders collapse and the body leans. The force of turning the waist, lowering the shoulders and loosing the belly are an integral whole. The waist drives the upper body to turn right and straight up. Bend the wrist and raise the wrist, exhale and loose the belly and the anus slowly, raise the collapsed left shoulder. The upper body turns left and right and the arms rocking-turn and ups and downs continuously, which makes the force of kneading massage change with it, massage Shenshu point and its surrounding. As the body leans slowly, the force of kneading massage is transmitted from the root of the little finger to the root of the index finger. The force on the root of the index finger increase gradually. After arms reach in place, the force is in maximum. With the upper body stand upright, the force of kneading massage on the root of index finger lighten and disappear gradually, and is transmitted to the root of the little finger.
Dual Roll: As the shoulders move around continuously and flexibly, massage Shenshu point slightly with the root of the index finger. When raised the shoulders, increase the force of massage. When closed the shoulders, the force is transmitted from the root of index finger to the root of the little finger. When opened the chest and shoulders, the force is transmitted to the root of the little finger by moving the boxing around.
Cross-roll: exerciser concentrates on the postbrachium while the up and down of the elbow. The postbrachium loop rotation, accompany with breathing. When raise and open the arms, there is a feeling of being empty around the Backshu point, which is conductive to stimulate the Backshu point, and then dredge the urinary bladder channel.
Cultivate the Body, Qi and Spirit - Pushing up Heaven
The fingers crossed and the arms turn inward. Turning over palms while exhale and loose the belly and the anus. Following with the inspiratory force, which is transmitted from the abdomen, tighten the anus, the force of tightening the anus and abdomen in like a brisk stream of water flowing near the knee and injected into the ankles, then the knees straight up, and the insteps begin to press down and stretch. With the above actions, the arms raise slowly and softly. The arms stick up, abdomen in, tighten the anus and stretch the insteps at the same time. When the palms turn downward, exerciser begins to exhale and loose belly and the anus slowly, with easing the tension of the foot. As the palms fall down, breath out slowly and the waist and abdomen are slowly relaxed, the toes move back gradually, followed by the sinking of shoulders, it seems that the interior force promotes the anus slowly. In the process of raising up or falling down, the palms are in a state of calm mind and” forgetting both yourself and the external world”, which is conductive to dredge the meridian of the head, increase the supply of the blood and Qi, supply sufficient nutrition to the brain, dredge the three yin meridians and three yin meridians of the hands. It is good for the dispersing of the Qi movements of the body, and has the life nourishing effects of cultivation of the body and Qi and nourishing the body and spirit. The method of “pushing up heaven” plays a role in the regulating of the triple burner.
(By Zhang Caiqin)