location: Frist page Notices Guidance for Member Organizations to Implement Pre-Duan and Junior Duan Examinations and Evaluations
Guidance for Member Organizations to Implement Pre-Duan and Junior Duan Examinations and Evaluations

On the basis of the International Health Qigong Duan System (draft), the qualified member organizations can apply to the IHQF to carry out examination and evaluation at the Pre-Duan and Junior Duan levels, subject to approval by and signing entrust agreements with the IHQF. The detailed operational procedures and requirements are as follows:

1. Application by the member organizations

Before planning to organize the Duan exam and evaluation, the member organizations should fill in The Application Form of Organizations of the International Health Qigong International Duan Exam as requested (see Annex ). Organizing the examination and evaluation at the Junior Duan levels, you need to submit a list of the evaluation group. The evaluation group is consisted of 3 people who should hold at least Duan 4.

The Application Form should be signed and stamped by the leader of the member organization, and then submitted to the head office of the IHQF (headoffice@ihqfo.org). The Application Form must be submitted two months before the exam.

2. Review by the IHQF

The IHQF will review the applications from the member organizations, with regard to whether the member organizations have the necessary conditions for organizing the Duan exam and whether the timing is reasonable. The IHQF will feed back the result in 15 days to the applicant organizations.

3. Signing the agreement of entrust

Once the application is approved, the IHQF will sign the entrust agreement with the applicant organization. There are two situations:

3.1. The examinations at the Pre-Duan level

For the examination at the Pre-Duan level, the IHQF will sign a long-term entrust agreement with the applicant organization. Henceforth, should the member organization intend to hold more examinations at Pre-Duan level in the future, it doesn’t have to sign entrust agreement again. What the member organization need to do is file with the IHQF one month before the exams and give an account of the detailed information after the exams.

3.2. The examinations at the Junior Duan levels

i. If the member organization have the necessary conditions for independently organizing the review panel, the IHQF will sign the long-term entrust agreement with the applicant organization. The relevant operations are the same as the examinations at the Pre-Duan level.

ii. If the member organization doesn’t have the necessary conditions for independently organizing the review panel temporarily, the evaluation group must be composed of experts from other organizations. Under this circumstance, the IHQF will sign the temporary entrust agreement with the applicant organization, the agreement will be valid only for the exam mentioned within it.

4. Trainings and examinations held by the member organizations

4.1. Pre-Duan levels

i. Under the guidance of the IHQF, the member organizations issue the information of on the official website of IHQF one month before the training.

ii. The member organizations inform and organize the candidates to finish the application process, including  registration, authentication, examination application and online payment, etc. The deadline of examination application is one week before the training.

iii. The member organizations should arrange the training of Health Qigong forms in accordance with the plans.

iv. The member organizations present Certificates of Completion to those qualified students who participate in the training, with clear indication of the Health Qigong forms.

v. The member organizations should organize the trainees to upload the Certificates of Completion onto the official website of IHQF, as the evidence for awarding the Certificates of Pre-Duan Levels upon verification.

vi. The member organizations should submit a detailed report of the training to the IHQF within one week after the training concludes.

4.2. Junior Duan levels

Under the guidance of the IHQF, the member organizations should go through the procedures with regard to the organization of exams:

i. Issue the information of the examination on the official website of IHQF. The exam information can be publicized one month before the exam once the entrust agreement is signed.

ii. Inform and organize the candidates to finish the application process, including  registration, authentication, examination application and online payment, etc. The deadline of examination application is one week before the exam.

iii. The review panel makes arrangement for the exam according to the information of examination application, and prepare relevant evaluation forms for the exam.

iv. The member organizations, in strict accordance with the International Health Qigong Duan System (draft) and the entrust agreements of the exam, organize the exam. The exam must be videotaped in the whole process and the relevant record must be preserved for at least 3 years.

v.The member organizations must submit the examination results to the IHQF as per the entrust agreements of the exam. As a rule, the examination result should be submitted within a week after the examination.

5. The IHQF reviews and issues Certificates of Duan

The IHQF will inspect the training and examination results. Generally, within a month after receiving the materials concerning the training and examination results, the Head Office will publish the results on the IHQF website, and then the candidates who pass the exams can print or download the Certificates of Duan.

6. Other

The IHQF will assist the member organizations in carrying out the exams. There will be regular or irregular inspections on the exam and evaluation qualification of the member organizations, the IHQF will do spot check on the Duan exams and evaluations submitted. The IHQF can deprive the member organizations, who violates penalty rules in the International Health Qigong Duan System (draft), of the evaluation qualification.

Annex:The Application Form of Organizations of the International Health Qigong International Duan Exam as requested (download).


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